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Empowerment Devotional

Day 03: Rising Past Our Emotions

Devotional: 2 Timothy 1:7: "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."

Soar! In 66 days

2 Timothy 1:7: "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." As humans, we have a wide range of emotions – happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and many others. On their own, these are not necessarily bad things; after all, God gave them to us for a reason. We simply have to learn to control our emotions, or else they can overcome our reasoning and lead us into decisions that do not glorify God. Thankfully, God gives us that self-control. He gives us the ability to rise past our emotions and do what He is calling us to do – we just need to ask.

Write down one of your emotions that you need to better with.

Examples: (Ignoring Anger, Sadness, and Fear;  Holding bitterness and anger toward a person). Click the button below to download the Log Sheet if you havent done it yet.

Download 66 Days Log Sheet  

"Faith In Action" ((Make a Gratitude Jar or Box. Think about what you're grateful for. Think about everything in your life and choose what comes to mind as your gratitude. Write down on a slip of paper what you're grateful for and why.

Write "I'm thankful for ______ today because…" and fill it in as completely as possible. Keep it in your jar, or other special place. Seeing your gratitude jar with all your slips of gratitude in it is a great visual reminder of all the good things you have in your life when emotion get out of control.

It's those tiny little changes we do day in and day out that lead us to our biggest wins in our emotions. ))

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